Online education platform

Adapt to the 21st century education with the complete online learning management system.

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Course planner

Create course plans and track them with actual schedules

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Online Examination Management

Manage assessments, assignments, and exams online, and publish results.

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Subject community

In Linways AMS, each subject is a community, and the teacher is a moderator that leads that community. So clicking on a batch is like entering into the classroom where you can see all the students and their details.

Subject planner

The subject planner helps to draw out a course plan, and track that plan as the course progresses. The proposed plan tells how the course is supposed to move forward, and the actual schedule keep track of the real-time data.

Upload course materials and videos

The teacher can upload course materials that can be accessed online by the students. Classes can be conducted by uploading lectures into the platform or through online video conferencing sessions.


The teacher can create and give assignments. students can submit the finished assignments through the platform and exams that can be done online, and the results can be published on the platform itself.

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Online learning is the future

The world undergoing a fundamental shift is how we teach and learn

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Adapt to the future

With Linways AMS

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