Best way to hire programmers:
Make them code
No more irrelevant screening questions - see for yourself if they are fit for the job or not.
Why you should conduct a coding challenge ?
Because it works damn well. That's why.
Helps to filter the potential employees from applicants who are shooting in the dark.
Hence could save a lot of time from interviewing the candidates who are not at all fit for the post
Multiple Language Support
Candidates can code in their preferred language through our online code editor
Automated Evaluation
Automatically evaluate candidate's code and creates a rank list for each challenge
Collaborate with your colleagues
Add your colleagues to codeways to work on questions and challenges
“In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. ”
-Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut

Monitor candidate activity
Monitor code evolution
Codeways will record the candidate's activities for you to review it later. This can be used to identify malpractices.
Assess candidate's thought processes
To know how a candidate has reached in his/her answers is always important. By reviewing code evolution, you can obtain insights about how he/she approaches the problem.
Interested in non programming questions ?
We got it covered