NBA accreditation Made easy with Linways AMS

Create intelligent workflows, manage accreditation process, and generate Self-Assessment Report with Linways Academic Management System.

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A handy guide on NBA accreditations.

It has not been long since we all first heard the name NBA. And many are still in the dark regarding the working and the motives of the NBA. But it shouldn’t be so. We all deserves to know what shapes our education and how they are doing it. This is why we published a concise guide describing everything that you need to know about the NBA accreditation.

Perfect Solution to manage NBA accreditation

Our strong methodology and custom solutions allow institutions to meet the accrediting organizations with full confidence and integrity in the education they offer.

Map and Manage COs and POs easily

Map 'course outcomes' and 'program outcomes' and manage them based on their levels of attainment.

OBE Based Assesments

Create and manage various assessment mechanisms to save time and energy.

Real time reporting to stakeholders

Monitor and analyze the outcomes as the course progresses with our intuitive dashboard display.

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